Writing Sample, Lazarus Jackson

Writing Test for Lazarus Jackson

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Add a user account in ownCloud

Before you begin:

You must be logged in to ownCloud as an administrator to create a user account.

  1. In ownCloud, click the menu item with your username, then click Users.
  2. In the Username field, enter the username of the user account you want to create.
  3. In the E-Mail field, enter the email address of the user account you want to create.
  4. In the Groups drop-down, select a group to assign the user account to.
  5. Click Create.
  6. In the Password field of the newly created user account, enter a password for that user account.

You can change the group assignments of users by clicking the Groups drop-down. You can delete user accounts by clicking the Trash icon that displays when you mouse over user accounts.

Up next

Log in to an ownCloud server using the desktop client.